When talking to people, say less of these three words, and there will be more and more blessings.

When talking to people, say less of these three words, and there will be more and more blessings.

May we change what we have, and encourage us to meet better ourselves in the future.

z Xrsnet Less Words It's wisdom, it's self-cultivation to shut up. As "Weiling official article of the Analects of Confucius" said: "can be with the words but not with the words, lose people; do not talk with the words with the words, slip of the tongue." He who knows does not lose others, nor does he lose his tongue. " In reality, this is often the case. Because a wrong sentence was not spoken in time, there was a misunderstanding, and there was a knot, and it drifted away over time. Because an immoral remark is not expressed accurately, thus turning into enmity, intimacy becomes estranged, and over time there is no contact between old age and death. What can be said, what can not be said, when it is inappropriate to say, when to say the right time, is also a discipline. Don't gossip. "the Analects of Confucius Yang goods" said: "hearsay, virtue is abandoned." No matter in life or in the workplace, there are often gossip, uneasy and kind-hearted people who always like to gossip behind people's backs, gossip, hearsay, and talk about right and wrong. As the saying goes: he who gossips must be not a human being. During Wu Zetian's reign, the slaughtering of cattle and sheep was forbidden for some time. An official named Zhang de had a son in his family, which was a happy event, so he entertained the guests and killed a few sheep to entertain the guests. One of the guests, du Suhuai, also came to the party. This man was very unauthentic. After eating mutton, he went to Wu Zetian to gossip, saying that Zhang de had disobeyed the decree. The next day, Wu Zetian privately asked Zhang de: I heard that you have a son, this is a happy event, need to entertain guests, but why kill sheep to eat meat and entertain guests? Knowing that someone had betrayed him, Zhang de was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed and confessed. Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian said, although you have violated the ban, you can be forgiven for your first offense, but you can be forgiven for having a happy event at home, but you should pay attention to the choice of guests. Zhang de, dressed in a cold sweat, is grateful. Du Suhuai was spurned by the government and the public. As the Analects of Confucius warned: "clever words are seldom benevolent!" Du Suhuai such a person is not rare, there are many in real life, so when dealing with people, we should keep our eyes open and stay away from such people who like to gossip behind their backs. We should not become such a person as du Suhuai. It is the most basic bottom line of being a human being to talk less about others, not to hear hearsay, and not to be unruly. Don't speak ill of others. "positive goods in the Analects of Confucius": "if you see evil at the age of forty, it will come to an end." It is said that if a person is disgusted after forty, his life is over. In the Notes of Reading Weicaotang, Ji Xiaolan in the Qing Dynasty told a story: There was a concubine who had served him for many years, who came from a humble background, but she was handsome, smart and intelligent, and she was very popular. It's just that the concubine had a grandmother, uneducated, rude, mean, cursing, and often quarreled with her neighbors over trifles. Her granddaughter married a high-ranking official, and her grandmother "fought battlefield for a long time" and never lost. Every time after winning a quarrel, he swaggered like a winning rooster, holding his head high, so that everyone in his hometown hated it but dared not speak up. The granddaughter persuaded her many times, but the old man wouldn't listen. Suddenly one day, without any signs, tongue sores, suddenly rotten to the throat, pain can not speak, let alone can not eat, can not sleep all day and night. There was nothing the doctor could do about it, and within a few days, he died. Later, a master who crossed over the concubine grandmother said that his grandmother committed oral karma, uttered bad words, and often attacked her heart in a hurry, which over time led to festering of her tongue and no way to return to heaven. As the old saying goes, "when a husband is born, the axe is in his mouth, so the body is cut off by his evil words." The life and death of ancient scholar-officials were often in their mouths, and the reason why they were killed was that they had no choice of words and evil words hurt people. The evil comes out of the mouth, and the disease comes in from the mouth. If you have good words in your mouth, you will often form good people, get good karma, and speak evil words, then you will often treat others with evil. When dealing with the world, do not ignore the psychology of others, evil words continue to attack, this is the damage to their own blessings. As a result of oral debate and people have a dispute, resulting in emotions out of control, do things that are too late, the loss outweighs the gain. Don't complain about others. There is a saying in the Constitution of the Analects of Confucius: "do not complain about heaven, not especially people, go up from school, and know me." Zeng Guofan persuaded his sixth brother in his early years and said something similar: "if you complain about heaven for no reason, heaven will not allow it, and if there is no reason for people, then people will not obey." Up to now, this sentence is still a classic. Zeng Guofan's sixth younger brother, Zeng Guohua, was the most talented and talented of Zeng Guofan's younger brothers. But he is arrogant and arrogant, and he is also a little grumpy and unable to keep his temper. Zeng Guohua has always been proud of his articles, and Zeng Guofan also praised Zeng Guohua's articles and admired them very much, but he was only fooled by fate. In the imperial examination, Zeng Guohua failed again and again, and his dream of entering officialdom like his brother was broken, so he lived in seclusion and dormant in the countryside. Often spread his frustrated anger on his wife, complaining that his wife was too weak to strictly urge himself to read the four Books and five Classics and practice eight-part essays, so that he failed the list many times. In order to gain success in fame, he decided to take a fiercer concubine to urge himself. Finally, he went so far as to say, "I'm going to buy an additional concubine, Qiufeng Guizi. Is it possible to buy it?" When he failed to learn a lesson, he complained about his wife and wanted to take a concubine, which spread to Zeng Guofan's ears and annoyed Zeng Guofan. So Zeng Guofan wrote a letter scolding Zeng Guohua and pointed out his shortcomings bluntly: "he complains too much and is too lazy." Then enumerate his bad deeds: "the former in Jinghua, not good-looking books, and no composition …"... After hearing that he had returned home recently, he complained as usual, or did not care about it for months. " "blaming the sky for no reason, then heaven will not allow, especially for no reason, then people will not be convinced," this is the origin of this wise saying. Later, Zeng Guohua unfortunately died in the battle of the three Rivers. I have to say that this has something to do with his complaining character. There is nothing wrong with occasionally complaining when you are alive. But it won't help if you just complain and don't make any changes. Stop complaining and there will be a turning point in life. ▽ "learn from the Analects of Confucius": "the gentleman does not ask for enough to eat, live without seeking peace, be sensitive to things and be careful to speak." To say less is a kind of wisdom, but to shut up is a kind of self-cultivation. In life, we should talk less and do more, knowing and doing together.one. The ancient saints and sages have given us the answer long ago, that is, to speak cautiously. Don't gossip about people behind your back, don't say bad things to people face to face, and don't complain at ordinary times. Finally, I hope you can keep your heart straight, listen carefully, and accumulate morality. For example, the Analects of Confucius admonishes: "there are three friends who are good and three friends are bad." It is good for friends to be straight, to forgive and to hear more. Friends will be opened, friends will be kind and gentle, friends will be disgraced, and it will be damaged. " This is true whether you talk or make friends. May we change what we have and encourage us to meet better ourselves in the future.

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