Really smart people never "show off" these three things in moments, which are worth seeing.

Really smart people never "show off" these three things in moments, which are worth seeing.

Don't always live for others to see, shine in your own world, and pick up the joy of life.

writer Liu Yong once said: "everyone has the problem of showing off, and when you are showing off, it is also the moment when your weakness is revealed." I think so. In life, there are always people who like to save face and give others a sense of superiority. He will not stop until he attracts the envy of the people around him. As everyone knows, sometimes, what you desperately show off and show off may be exactly what you lack. The decency you disguise will not be a credit to yourself, but will look ignorant and foolish. So, even if you are proud of it again, don't show your cards casually and learn to be a quiet adult. Don't show off your wealth in front of others There is such a story in Shi Shuo Xinyu. Shi Chong is a very rich man in the Western Jin Dynasty and a person with a strong sense of vanity. He not only lives in the "Golden Valley Garden", but also has extremely exquisite and exquisite toilets. At that time, there was a man named Liu Kui who wanted to go to the toilet and saw magnificent furnishings such as crimson gauze curtains and blankets, as well as handmaids holding incense bags. Frightened, Liu Jie hurried back and said to Shi Chong with chagrin all over his face, "it was rude and rude. Xia Guan went into the adult's bedroom by mistake." Shi Chong smiled and said, "that's the toilet." Liu Jie was shocked and speechless for a long time. "I can't enjoy these toilets." So I looked for a toilet somewhere else. Shi Chong not only likes to show off his wealth, but also likes to fight for it. On one occasion, Shi Chong fought for wealth with his uncle Wang Kai. Wang Kai ordered the pot to be brushed with wheat sugar water, and Shi Chong asked the domestic servant to use candles instead of firewood to light the fire. Wang Kai used purple silk cloth to make a 40-mile walking barrier, and Shi Chong ordered people to use colorful brocade cloth to make a 50-mile walking barrier. …… Shi Chongwan showed that he had strong financial resources and won a landslide victory in this fight for wealth, but he was therefore targeted by dedicated people. In the end, he was falsely accused of conspiracy, confiscated all his property and lost his life. It can be seen that in order to satisfy the vanity of face, showing off to everyone, in addition to arousing the envy and hatred of others, but also confirms their ignorance. On the surface, it gives you a long face, but in fact it will only give people a look of wealth and arrogance. If you meet someone with bad intentions, it may arouse people's greed, on the contrary, it will cause trouble and disaster. As the saying goes, "A wise man is more concealed, but a fool often shows off." People who are really rich will never deliberately show off their wealth to show their inner satisfaction. Because they know that money is only external things and should not be the capital for you to keep up with. People live to the extreme, not vanity and wanton, but low-key and restraint. Therefore, it is impossible to show off. Only when you know how to hide money is the self-consciousness that adults should have. Don't show off your happiness in front of others Life is like drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge! The same is true of happiness. Human joys and sorrows have nothing to do with each other. The more you show your happiness, the more likely it is to pierce each other's happiness. I saw such a story on Zhihu. The son was admitted to the university, although it is an ordinary university, but the whole family is still very happy. The father said to his son: "son, you are more successful than your parents. We just suffered from being uneducated in the past. Fortunately, you worked hard to get where you are now." The son smiled shyly, sweetly and comfortably, surrounded by happiness. Near the beginning of school, the whole family went to the station to see their son to school and came across an acquaintance. The acquaintance patted his father on the shoulder and asked, "what university did your son go to?" As soon as my father said the name of the school, the acquaintance looked surprised and said: "the university is not very good. I read it for nothing. Even if I graduate, I won't be able to find a job in the future. I might as well go to work early. My son passed the examination of a famous university, and when he graduated, other people's units were all scrambling to get it. " With a smug smile on his face, he took care of himself and left. Looking at the figure of acquaintances leaving, the family suddenly became lonely, and the original happy and warm atmosphere suddenly disappeared. Between the two words of happiness, the most intolerable thing is to compare and show off. Some people are always eager to show off their joy, but completely ignore the feelings of others. Little do you realize that perhaps the happiness you show off is poking the pain of others. Life is not a stage, whether it is happy or wonderful does not need to be proved by the envy and applause of others. In many cases, showing off can not illuminate the hearts of the people, but will add traffic to others and destroy hard-won happiness. Over time, people around you will gradually alienate you. There is no standard answer to happiness, and there is more than one way to find happiness. I hope everyone can quietly pursue their own light and enjoy the warm and soft happiness. Don't show off your knowledge in front of others In this noisy world, how can we go fast and far? One highly praised answer is: Maybe with luck, you will walk very fast. But only by accumulating one's own strength can we lay out a romantic and colorful life. In ancient times, there was a scholar who felt that his calligraphy had been perfected and had the demeanor of a master. Even if compared with the master, it is not inferior, even if a word daughter description is not too much. After that, he was invited to the capital to participate in the "elegant collection", which attracted many scholars and scholars to watch. In the crowd, he saw a man coming towards him with a blank fan. He stood up ostentatiously, took the fan and was ready to write a poem on it. Unexpectedly, someone plopped down on his knees, and the scholar laughed to himself: "for me, writing a few words for you is just a piece of work. There is no need to make such a big gift." The man panicked and said, "Please don't write. I spent a lot of money on this fan. I can't afford to waste it." On hearing this, the scholar was ashamed and thought he could show his talent and show his superb calligraphy. However, it turns out that the words worth thousands of dollars in their own eyes can not even withstand a fan in others. Xiucai depression is difficult to understand, the teacher learned the context, said: "you do not understand?" People must not be proud of themselves, because of their knowledge and get carried away, boast and show off. " In life, it is inevitable that some people always think that they are very good, and they like to be complacent and show off wantonly, thinking that no one can beat them. Little do you realize that if you think too highly of yourself, you are doomed to be defeated. Fidan can not win the envy of others, but will expose your superficiality and ignorance. You know, there are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside the people, there is no shortage of excellent and powerful people in this world. People who really have great wisdom tend to keep a low profile and never take the initiative to brag about themselves. As the old saying goes: "Heaven does not speak of self-elevation, and the earth does not speak of self-thickness. With reference to all things, one can see one's own shortcomings." To be a man, no matter what situation you are in, don't overestimate yourself or underestimate others. Enough is enough, know how to restrain the edge, not proud of their own strengths, not short, in order to win the favor of all. ▽ I like what the writer Maugham said: "what you have to overcome is your vanity, your desire to show off, and you have to deal with the cleverness of your moment who wants to be in the limelight." In life, there are always people who like to show off in a high profile and try to get the envy of others so as to satisfy their vanity. However, things always go against one's wishes. Others do not understand your feelings, even if the noise is louder, it is a waste of effort, but will expose the inner hole. If you are really strong, you should learn to precipitate, keep a low profile, and always maintain inner humility and respect. Admittedly, there is no one else outside the door, only yourself. For the rest of your life, don't always live for others, shine in your own world, and pick up the joy of life. May you keep yourself awake, have a sense of restraint, keep your heart quiet and be happy, and watch the clouds rise and fall.

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