New function of Wechat: remember your love and chat records.

New function of Wechat: remember your love and chat records.

May affection not be disappointed, and the one you love will have a way back.

recently, Wechat officials are preparing to launch a new feature: Chat history cloud storage. The update of this new feature means that we can keep our Wechat chat records at any time in the future. In the comments section of Weibo, someone asked: "Why do you like keeping chat records so much?" One replied: Chat record is the most beautiful love letter, it records all the heartbeat and love in a relationship. If one day the time obscures the experience, it will remind you: You used to love so hard and seriously. Maybe a lot of people have screenshots of chat records on their mobile phones. Although that person may not be around anymore. But as long as you open those records, everything is fresh in your mind. Every word TA said to you, every punctuation mark and meme you sent. How many times the voice has been called and how many times the video has passed. Every birthday, Valentine's Day, confession. I even transferred how many red envelopes to you. All of it is clearly engraved in your heart. Every time you think of TA and the past, you can't help but dig up these records. Obviously your phone doesn't have much memory, but your photo album is almost full of memories with TA. The picture TA took of you, the picture of you together. The pictures that TA shared with you. And thousands of pages of long chats. These things look at you and smile, smile and you cry again. When you were still in love, chat notes were sweet talk to you. Because it is the witness of your love, witnessing all the beautiful moments of your relationship. Now that you are separated, the chat notes are like tear gas to you. Because it witnessed you go from saying everything to having nothing to say. "the oath of old love is like a slap. When I think of a word, I get a slap in the face. " That's what a relationship is like: At first, it is always wonderful every minute, and everyone thinks that enthusiasm will never abate. Enthusiasm dissipates, love disappears. When fate came to the end, I was in a trance to understand that nothing in this world will last forever. Roses will wither, the sun will go down, and love will disappear. After letting go, many people still rely on chat records to continue to love. CeCe is one of them. She said she would copy and save all her previous conversations with her ex-boyfriend when the new feature came online. From recognizing to falling in love, she took screenshots of more than 3,000 chat records. There are those screenshots not only in mobile photo albums, but also on Weibo. But even if we have sent 10,000 messages to each other. They haven't really taken a step closer. But people who fall in love will not realize this. Especially when love becomes a habit, it is difficult to give up. Like Joe Simi in the sons and daughters of the Joe family. No matter what others say that Qi Chenggang is bad and not worth it, she still doesn't care to love. Even though he was addicted to betrayal and infidelity, she forgave again and again. So is Cece. After the breakup, the other party has blocked her, and she persists in sending messages to others every day. Send it once in the morning, in the evening, and tell each other as soon as you have anything. When there was no reply, she went to look at the records of the conversation between the two people before. She said: "every time I look at these screenshots, I always think he still loves me. We have never been separated, as before. " However, the truth is that he has gone far and the wind is light, and only she lingers in the same place. There is a saying: In fact, feelings do not hurt people, they all hurt those who attach great importance to their feelings. The loss is not terrible, the terrible thing is the persistence after the loss. I think so. If you can't get out of your obsession, you'll be a prisoner everywhere. Being too obsessed with a certain feeling will only make it difficult for you to end. There is no right or wrong to win or lose in love, and there is no debt in life. It's good to see a flower bloom, why insist on taking it home. In the same way, it's enough to like it, and it doesn't matter if you don't spend the rest of your life. As this passage goes: "I am willing to give everything to you. I would appreciate it if you would return the favor. If you are indifferent, I will not be discouraged. Until one day I don't want to love you so much. Then let's say goodbye and have fun with each other. " It's not a pity to lose someone who doesn't belong to you. Only in this way can we meet the right person at the corner of the next intersection. May affection not be disappointed, and the one you love will have a way back.

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