Manage your 35-55 years old (very classic)

Manage your 35-55 years old (very classic)

May you and I never forget our original ideals and aspirations and make our life the way we want it to be.

JYXZ89896 Ma Weidu once said: "the best days for people are from 35 to 55. It was only when I came here that I dared to say that these 20 years are your golden age. It is these 20 years that you want to do and do everything." Life before the age of 35, is the stage of knowledge, experience and emotional accumulation, just at the time of Chunhua. After the age of 35, life is mature and has rich self-cultivation. Whether we are successful or not, we should manage our life at the age of 35-55. Business marriage 35 years old, entering middle age. Marriage has also reached the stage of "seven-year itch". Some people will be confused: "Why is it good when you are in love, but there are so many problems after marriage?" In fact, the essence of love is a kind of "feeling", while the essence of marriage is a kind of "management". When you fall in love, you just need to feel it and look each other in the eye. But marriage is like a partnership to start a company, there are no shortcuts, only business, together to resist risks, together to produce more value. Guo Moruo, a famous writer, had three wives and a lover in his life. When he was in love, he was very attentive to everyone, but once he got married, he felt that everyone was very upset and gave up. Of the last four women, two hanged themselves and held a grudge against him for the rest of their lives. He has more than a dozen children, but most of them refuse to recognize him as a father. Guo Moruo was alone in his later years, indulging in copying the diary of his dead son, which is extremely desolate. Belittling your marriage may not be a problem in good times, but if you reach the bottom of your life, you will have nothing if you lose your family. Looking back, we can see that those happy couples may not be rich and rich, but they absolutely know how to run a marriage: One works hard outside, the other runs the house inside, with no regrets. Join hands in the streets and alleys, cooking world fireworks, enjoy it Small things give way, big things support each other, and we are in the same boat. When you reach middle age, you must be kind to your partner and run your marriage well. Because the warmth and laughter flowing at home are precious that no matter how much money can buy. Business education The child is a blank sheet of paper. What is written on this blank piece of paper depends on the parents. If you want to teach children well, there is no other way but to lead by example. I have seen such a picture: There are two pairs of mother and son sitting next to each other on the subway. A mother and son, the mother was reading, and the son, seeing this, took out a book from his schoolbag and read it with relish. As for the mother and daughter, the mother was happily browsing the short video, and the daughter was attracted by the sound and leaned over to check her cell phone. The contrast of the hatchback can't help but make people sad. A netizen from Zhihu asked: what habits do your parents have affected your life? One netizen replied: "for more than a decade, my father has insisted on getting up at 06:30 every day, reading and recharging. And my mother, as long as she has free time, will pick up books and read them carefully. Every day after dinner, my parents always meet to play ball or run in the open space downstairs. when they get home, they are always happy to talk about the benefits of exercise. It was only after many years that I was surprised to realize that these were the "deliberate" education of my parents. Once upon a time, I couldn't get up in the morning. I became sleepy as soon as I read books and became lazy when I exercised. But when I saw that my parents were still sticking to it, I suddenly felt that getting up early was not so painful. Reading seemed not so difficult, and exercise became a daily habit. " Thus it can be seen that education is a long road, but example is a shortcut. The best teacher is no better than the words and deeds of his parents; no matter how good the school is, it is not as good as the parents who nurture them. From now on, you must lead by example in front of your children. Only when we become better ourselves first can we guide our children to become better people. Management network When we reach middle age, we have a clearer understanding of our contacts. The Stanford Research Center once published a survey report, which pointed out: 12.5% of the money earned by a person comes from knowledge and 87.5% from contacts. Farage, America's top networking expert, wrote about his own experience in his "Don't eat alone": When he was young, he worked as a caddie in a wealthy family. As long as it is his turn to be on duty, he will do everything. On the morning of each game, he would walk all over the stadium, find every green and test the speed and direction of the ball rolling on the grass. With his help, his employer is always invincible. The influence of a circle on a person is huge. You will become what kind of person you associate with. Think of a joke I saw on the Internet before: In the circle of ordinary people, they talk about meddling, earn wages and think about tomorrow. The circle of businessmen is talking about projects, making profits, and thinking about next year. The circle of entrepreneurs talks about opportunities, earns wealth, and thinks about the next decade. In the second half of your life, you should learn to manage your contacts, socialize less and make more friends with people who are more capable and valuable. It is these people who take you to a higher position and meet a better self. Business life I have read a wonderful solution about "life": Someone asked the wise man, "what is life?" The wise man replied, "Life is born crying and living with a smile." From the moment we are born, we are doomed to have a lot of unhappiness, unfairness, loss and melancholy to accompany us all our lives. People who know how to deal with life wholeheartedly can make life shine even in the most difficult times. The writer Mang Xiaomang once shared his mother's story. When she was a child, her family was very poor, but her mother always tried her best to make life poetic. Although the house is small and dilapidated, mother always keeps it spotless. Mother also planted all kinds of flowers in the yard, so that there are flowers to enjoy every season. In the poorest days, when the family could not afford to buy vegetables, her mother took her out to dig wild vegetables in the name of a spring outing, and then taught the children to make wild vegetable bags. It is my mother's intention that makes the poor life full of vitality. In this life, everyone will encounter a lot of unpleasant things. If you blindly feel sorry for yourself, it will not help; if you look down on suffering and live a positive life, you can also enjoy it. As the saying goes: "if you live a boring life all day, it will knock you out with one punch and step on two feet. If you worship it with all kinds of amorous feelings, it will spoil you and upend all sentient beings. " After the age of 35, only with a steaming heart to manage, you will feel that life is clear and everything is lovely. ▽ Drucker, the father of modern management, said: "if we compare life to an enterprise, we are the best managers of our own business." Excellent enterprises are inseparable from proper management. It's the same with life. Marriage, education, networking. We need to manage it with our heart. May you and I never forget our original ideals and aspirations and make our life the way we want it to be.

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