If a man is immoral, he will destroy himself.

If a man is immoral, he will destroy himself.

Life, only virtue, can be established for a lifetime.

to be a man, you must be without virtue. The so-called "virtue" is not only a person's moral cultivation, but also a person's superior fengshui. Although no one sees a man who is virtuous, there must be God's knowledge when he does good. People who are immoral do not show their evil, but when they do evil, they will suffer calamity. As the ancients said: "if virtue is not his duty, his misfortune will be cool; if he is not his position, his calamity will be great." If a man is not virtuous, it is useless to work hard, and it is difficult to walk for a long time. If you are virtuous, you will get it. Goethe once said: "whether you are born noble or humble, it does not matter, but you must have the way to be a man." A person's most important way of dealing with the world is nothing more than two words: moral character. People of noble character have clean souls and kind hearts. No cheating, no cheating. As a result, it is easier to gain the trust of others and the favor of fate. Do you remember the story of "bitter pomelo" in the primary school textbook? The author has an uncle living abroad who returned to his hometown Fuyun Town from as far away as South America with his 15-year-old daughter. Because they hadn't eaten grapefruit in their hometown for a long time, the three went to the market early the next morning to buy grapefruit. During the selection, I met a little girl who didn't flatter and yell like everyone else, but introduced her own grapefruit a little bitter. "it's called cotton pomelo, and it's big, but there's not much meat in it, and it's a little bitter." When the uncle offered to buy ten, the little girl said: "buy less. This kind of grapefruit is really not delicious and bitter, and people don't like it. Besides, you have a hard time coming back from abroad. If you want to take grapefruit from your hometown to a foreign country, you should buy something good and sweet. " Finally, the uncle bought all her grapefruit and sighed: "in this world, money can buy delicacies, gold and jewelry, but not noble souls." In fact, a good character is a person's greatest luck. As the saying goes, there is much support for justice, but little support for injustice. The more honest and kind-hearted you are, the more you will get unexpected luck and opportunities. On the contrary, no matter how highly educated a person is, no matter how strong his ability is, if his moral character is not good, he will eventually get nothing. As the writer Xi Yang Yang said: "sometimes, kindness does not repay you immediately, but it will give you unexpected surprises; sometimes, kindness will come in a different way to make you feel its breadth and richness." A man of good character will shine wherever he goes. A small victory depends on wisdom, a great victory depends on virtue. "Great wisdom, if foolish, and great cleverness, if clumsy." This sentence in the moral Classic is warning people that shrewdness is not as good as kindness. If you are too shrewd, you always want to take advantage of it, thinking that it is very clever, but it is easy to be smart instead of being smart. Just like Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions, she was originally the most capable one in the Grand View Garden, but because she was too shrewd in dealing with the world, she laid a scourge for herself in the future. So that the infinite scenery in life, wrapped in straw mats after death. A broken straw mat, a tousled hair, was dragged out a long mark in the vast snow, casually thrown in the wilderness. This is the end of "immorality". There is a saying in the Tan Jing: "all Futian, do not leave the square inch; look for it from the heart, feel everything." In the final analysis, your blessings are the virtues you have accumulated. The more you think of others, the more they will think of you. The more magnanimous you are, the more sincere others will be to you. This is the case with Xuan Jianxiang, a small potato in the TV series "Great Rivers". He did not have the learning talent and research energy of Song Yunhui, nor the clever slick of Yang Xun, but he gained good popularity because of righteousness and sincerity, and his friends called him Daxun one after another. Everyone knows how he behaves in the world, and they also know that he is less playful, so it is enough to have a comfortable and cheerful relationship with him. As the old saying goes: small victory depends on wisdom, great victory depends on virtue. If a person wants to survive in the world for a long time without defeat, he ultimately depends on his own moral character. Therefore, instead of racking our brains and haggling over everything, we should improve ourselves, treat others kindly, and make ourselves a person of both virtue and morality. If a man is virtuous, he will succeed in the end. If virtue does not match, there will be disasters. There is a sentence in the Book of changes: "if virtue does not match, there will be disasters; virtue is thin and respectable, wisdom is small but great, strength is small but responsibility is heavy, which is rarely inferior." It means that a person's virtue, which does not match his position, will inevitably lead to the birth of disaster. I once read a story on the Internet: A job seeker was asked about his past experience during the interview. He said proudly: "my tuition fees are 10,000 a year, all through enrollment remission, accumulated to complete the performance of 45 people." The interviewer asked, "you have introduced so many relatives and friends from your hometown to this school. Is the academic certificate of this school approved by the Ministry of Education?" The job seeker was silent for a long time before he said, "it is not acceptable now." It turns out that his school has been blacklisted for illegal enrollment for two years in a row. And he knew all this, but in order to collect his own tuition fees, he still "tricked" his relatives and friends to here. Finally, the interviewer rejected his job application and said something like this: "if you want to walk in society, be a man before you do anything. You are shrewd in doing things, but you are a failure as a man. " Human virtue is the root of all, and all wealth, wisdom and fame need it to bear. If the character does not pass, there is no need to talk about everything. Li Kaifu said: "I put character at the top of all the qualities of talent, surpassing wisdom, innovation, EQ, passion and so on. I think if there is something wrong with a person's character, it is not worth a company to consider hiring him. " Virtue does not match, and no matter how capable it is. If you can't do it, it won't help no matter how much you calculate. Only by letting virtue keep up with the pace, can life flow for a long time and have a beginning and an end. ▽ What does a person rely on in an invincible position all his life? Xu Yin wrote in the Classic Hanlin Yang Zuocheng Pool Pavilion: "if you recite virtue and righteousness all your life, why should you put up a monument behind you?" Life, only virtue, can be established for a lifetime. The heart is generous, magnanimous, do not do wrong, do not be a snob, can eat sweet, sleep is also safe. " May you and I take kindness as the background and character as the stylus to outline the most beautiful scenery of life.

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