Idle people worry, lazy people sick, busy people.

Idle people worry, lazy people sick, busy people.

A man has a lot of leisure, but he is busy to solve a thousand sorrows.

the Book of changes says: "Heaven acts healthily, and a gentleman strives for continuous self-improvement." The most important heart of a gentleman is to strive for the meaning of life from continuous self-improvement. If a person is lazy and idle all day long, there will be an unprovoked sadness in his mind, and his limbs will gradually deteriorate, and all kinds of diseases will breed. Isn't it true that a person who lies at home all day doing nothing is waiting for endless death with his limited life? Idle people worry a lot. The ancients said: " Mind idle life, people idle life right and wrong. " When a person's mind is free, he likes to hurt spring and autumn, and likes Zhang's parents Li Jia to chat briefly. As soon as one's hands are idle, one will feel the emptiness of life and worry about doing nothing. In the Spring and Autumn period, a state-owned individual sat on the street all day, looking at the sky, sighing and worrying. Passers-by were surprised when they saw it and asked, "is there something wrong with you sitting here all day with a sad face?" The man said, "Yes, I'm so worried that this sky will fall. I'm worried to death every day." Passers-by laughed. "the sky is made of clouds, so how can it fall?" The man retorted, "the moon and so many stars in the sky is like a lantern under the beam. The sky must be heavier than the beam." Passers-by smiled and walked away. The sky hasn't collapsed for hundreds of millions of years. Why do you think it collapses when it collapses? If we have that spare time to care about whether the sky collapses or not, we might as well take good care of the crops in the field. There is a saying in "Fan Si Xun": "it is urgent to think of helping others outside, and the evil of idling oneself inside." Diligent people are upright, and sorrows dare not be easily provoked; only those who have nothing to do will be full of evil, and sorrow will come to the door. Lazy people are sick. Zeng Guofan said: all the mediocre people in the world are defeated by a lazy word. Lazy people are the most likely to get sick. If you can take a car, you won't bother to walk, if you can take an elevator, you won't bother to climb the stairs, and if you can order takeout, you won't bother to cook. Laziness is the root of illness. If you sit too much, your shoulders will be sore and your waist and back will ache; if you don't walk often, your legs and feet will not change flexibly; if you think less, your morale will be depressed. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says: "the memory of upright qi, evil can not do, evil together, its qi must be empty." It can be seen that laziness If you think less, your morale will be depressed. And people who are lazy and do not exercise gradually have lower physical quality. A hundred-year-old comic book master, Mr. Fang Cheng, is not young, but he is still in good health and in high spirits. When others asked him the secret of keeping good health, he said a few words: "Life has always been very ordinary. I have always been busy with painting and writing articles by bike. I am busy with one word." As the saying goes: "if you are sick, you will be lazy; if you are sick, you will be lazy; if you are strong, you will deceive others; if you are weak, you will deceive others." Don't let laziness occupy your life. Busy people are happiest. Busy people are happy. Zeng Guofan said: "if you are diligent at home, you are prosperous, and if you are diligent, you are healthy." It is easier for people to find their own value in busyness, so as to find the source of happiness in labor, and to live a tight and rhythmic life is really happy. Hard work can make people physically and mentally healthy, busy life can not give up. Once a man who had just passed away was on his way to Yan Luo Dian to report that he accidentally bumped into a glittering palace on the way. The owner of the palace entertained him warmly and asked him to stay here. There are delicacies in the palace, and the man can eat whatever he wants; there is also a comfortable bed in the palace, and he can sleep as long as he wants. No one ever asked him to do anything. At the beginning, the man ate, slept and ate all day, and felt very happy. But gradually, he felt that this kind of life was empty and boring, because he always worked diligently before he died. He went to the owner of the palace to find something to do: "I have experienced this comfortable life of eating and drinking every day, and it is not as good as I thought. I still yearn for a full life. Is there anything I can do for you here? " The owner of the palace told him: "I am here to provide people with happiness, and will not use work to make people tired." The boring life went on for more than half a year, driving this man crazy. He ran to the owner of the palace and said, "give me something to do. If I still live in a daze, I'd rather go to the King of Hades and go to hell." The owner of the palace said helplessly: "I never told you this is heaven, I am hell!" A place full of vitality and where people work hard is called heaven. The only thing to do is to lie on the ground and do nothing. Isn't the evil spirit with a hideous face and crying ghosts exactly the scene of hell? When people are idle and lazy, something goes wrong. Busy people are always energetic and happy. It takes time and energy to help others, but a thank you from others can make us feel happy and proud. Everyone thinks that the busy work every day is very tired, but when we get paid, we will feel happy and valuable. This is the way life is. If you give, you will get something back. As the ancients said: people have a lot of leisure, but they are busy to solve a thousand worries. Don't let leisure make us lose the direction of our struggle, and don't let laziness become an obstacle to our sailing. If you are alive, you should find something to do Keep yourself busy and don't be idle or lazy. Most of the really happy people are those who are busy and fulfilling. Please forward it and share it with more friends around you. Ping, a gathering place for thousands of Chinese studies enthusiasts. One book a week is released by authorization.

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