I cried, but I don't like ex-3.

I cried, but I don't like ex-3.

Crying is precious, don't give it casually.

the premiere of ex 3 was also the 44th day that I broke up with him.

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I took out my cell phone, clicked on Meituan, and chose the show and seats, but at the time of payment, I hesitated and couldn't click on the "sure" blue box for a long time.

I dare not look.

but soon the film blew through the streets like the winter wind.


this film continues the "vulgar" comedy style of the first two films, and is full of "greasy" lines.

the phrase "clean, unused" used to describe women is really dirty.

and from the development of the whole plot, every character, both men and women, is just a symbol, and in the constant sexual cues, their only criterion for judging the relationship is whether they have slept or not.

it's so greasy that people really don't like it.

however, the director cleverly made a big reversal at the end, letting the hero stand on the busiest street, breaking his heart and shouting over and over again:

"Lin Jia, I love you."

"Lin Jia, I love you."

"Lin Jia, I love you."

this sentence echoes throughout the cinema, in the memory of the past, in the mouth of someone at first.

seeing this, I admit that my eyes are red. But it wasn't the movie that made me cry, it was just some memories that didn't die that touched my lacrimal glands.

once he also said these three words, preceded by my name.

the most ingenious thing about phenomenal movies is that they divert the audience's attention from the film itself to itself.

the director succeeded in making up for the boredom and perfunctory of the first two hours with the sensation of the last quarter of an hour.

after reading it, I have two thoughts in mind. The first one is: he is a man with a story.

the second is: his story deserves a better movie.

if the memory of "ex" is bound to be used, then I hope all the heartfelt sadness can be left to a more attentive work.

if the memory of "ex" is bound to be used, then I hope all the heartfelt sadness can be left to a more attentive work.

Music Let's break up

if you like, listen to me not talking