Children who are not filial when they grow up have these four characteristics when they are young. I hope your kids don't!

Children who are not filial when they grow up have these four characteristics when they are young. I hope your kids don't!

There is no natural "bear child", only the lack of education.

there is an old Chinese saying: filial piety is the crown of a hundred deeds and the beginning of many good deeds. Since ancient times, filial piety has been an important factor in measuring one's moral character. The most advanced way to show off wealth in a family is not a house or a car, but to cultivate descendants who are grateful and kind-hearted. The smartest way to raise children is not to improve the material, but to give a good family education and a good family style. The greatest sorrow of being a parent is not illness and hardship, but giving all, but raising an unfilial child. Everything seems to bear fruit by accident, but in fact it has already been planted inadvertently. Children who are unfilial when they grow up often have these four characteristics when they are young, and the sooner they correct them, the better. Don't know how to be grateful and resent your parents Recently, there is a video on the Internet, and many people are angry. A boy was holding down his mother on the road, crying and kicking his mother. There was a security guard on the roadside who couldn't watch it and wanted to stop it. Unexpectedly, the boy yelled at the security guard in an arrogant manner. Below this news, I saw a comment that was highly liked: "the child will be useless if he is not disciplined, and it is impossible to expect him to support his parents and love his wife in the future." Indeed, how can a child who beats his parents in the street have a kind heart when he grows up? As the writer Armitage once said: If a man makes his mother sad, no matter how illustrious his position is, no matter how famous he is, he is a despicable person. I can't help thinking of the 12-year-old who hacked his mother to death, resented because he was educated by his mother for smoking, and then killed his own mother in a dispute. The most chilling thing is what he said after he was caught: "I didn't kill anyone else. I killed my mother." Children who do not know how to be grateful take their parents' love for granted, regard education as hatred, and regard consanguinity as a reason for wanton harm. There is a saying that is right: it is more important to teach a child to love than to teach him to get good grades. Don't let children lose their conscience in doting, don't let love become a bargaining chip to hurt, and don't let education come too late in remorse. If you don't follow the rules, there is no bottom line. Liu Yong once mentioned a rather profound truth: "if you are not willing to set rules for your children, someone will teach them a lesson." A family without rules is the source of evil. An unruly child is the beginning of disaster. Not long ago, at Shanghai Disneyland, a child took advantage of the "doll bear" to interact with tourists and rushed through the crowd to hammer the doll bear at the doll. When the staff saw it, they immediately ran to stop it, but the parents of the child argued: "the prop suit won't be broken, so why do you have to embarrass the child?" There are generally clear rules in amusement parks that tourists cannot attack dolls because the costume is so heavy that heavy blows are likely to cause injuries to employees in puppet suits. When the staff wanted to continue to communicate, the child's parents replied again: "what else do you want after apologizing?" Whenever a child makes a mistake, he can always hear the explanation: "he is just a child." The doting of parents gives children the strength to constantly tempt, gradually from making mistakes to committing crimes. Parents' indulgence, so that children can not see the boundaries of life and work, step by step into the abyss. A child who is not bound by rules is like holding a knife in his hand all the time, and this knife will hurt his parents one day. Knowing the rules is an indispensable lesson for children, and abiding by rules is the practice of one's life. Be selfish and ask for nothing. There is a topic on Zhihu: what is the scariest person you have ever met? One high praise replied: "people who carve selfishness into their bones have no true feelings in their lives, only the size of their interests." I once heard such a story: When he was a toddler, he went to the neighbor's house to play, and when he left, he had to take away the neighbor's children's toys, and if he didn't give them, he beat up the neighbor's children. When he was young, he wanted to copy his classmates' answers in the exam, but he didn't agree, so he angrily tore up his classmates' answer cards. After getting married, he wanted to sell his parents' house for investment, but his parents didn't want to, so he immediately fell out and turned against his biological parents. Think about it carefully, there are too many such examples in life. When you are young, you can only seek small profits, but when you grow up, you can only see interests. This kind of people seem to have a good life, but in fact they are happy by hurting others. What you want must be got, and what you can't get will be destroyed. Selfishness is like a seed buried in your heart and unwittingly turned into a cancer. To investigate the root of it, most of them are selfless love out of measure, which makes children more and more indifferent and selfish. I very much agree with a passage in "very cruel and loving": "parents give too much love to their children, not too little. They don't have the heart to experience the hardships of life when they are young, and they don't know how to ask them at the right time, so they eventually make it difficult for their children to ask their parents for the rest of their lives. " Let the child's life live in the sun, the heart will be richer. Lack of responsibility and sense of responsibility Psychologist William James writes in his book: "sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." From small to big, from childhood to adulthood, let your child grow up as much as you want him to. Not long ago, a 29-year-old man sued his parents for "the crime of not raising", which was hotly debated on the Internet. Although the man is nearing his twenties, he neither has a family nor a job, even though he feels too tired to resign after finding a job for less than two days. He doesn't want to make money by his own ability, but wants to gnaw on the old all his life. Before he According to his understanding, as long as his parents give birth to him, even if he is useless, his parents should be responsible to the end. And think that, anyway, my father's income is higher than his own, and he has no ability, so why can't his parents support himself? Already 29 years old, he only plays with his cell phone and sleeps in bed every day, and doesn't care about the big or small things at home. The old gnawing at ease, the so-called "mixed eating waiting to die", probably just so. Talking about what his son has become, the old father said with remorse: "when he was a child, his wife almost never let him work and was not allowed to criticize himNow he can't carry his shoulders or his hands. It's all his mother's accustomed to it. " If you don't learn to take responsibility when you are young, you will not be responsible for your life when you grow up. When I was a child, I didn't eat what I should have suffered. Once I left my parents' protection, I would feel that the sky had collapsed. People who do not bear the responsibility, not only can not bear the heavy pressure of life, but also can not bear the slightest trifle. Sow the seed of responsibility, you will be able to harvest the habit of enduring hardship, you will be able to harvest a tough character, and you will eventually have a glorious life. Please tell your child: life is made by yourself, and happiness is sought by yourself. ▽ An educator said: "the child is born with a blank piece of paper, and in the end, whether this piece of paper can be painted as a beautiful picture is entirely up to their parents." There is no natural "bear child", only the lack of education. If you want your child to be filial, don't use doting to plant irreparable causes in his way of growing up. If you want your child to be good, don't forget to be a man first, and to be a man first. " May all families learn from it, may children in the world be grateful and grateful, and may parents all over the world be treated gently by their children.

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