All of a sudden, the official announced the birth girl! Posted a picture of her husband in a high profile, netizens: much happier than marrying a rich family

All of a sudden, the official announced the birth girl! Posted a picture of her husband in a high profile, netizens: much happier than marrying a rich family

I hope they really understand how hard it is for pregnant women.

isslash "what is Happy Planet? What is Happy Planet? " Some time ago, this magic music suddenly went viral on Douyin. Simple lyrics plus ghosts and animals singing, although it sounds a little corny, but it is easy to listen to too much, the stars have also followed the imitation. However, the reason why many post-90s like this song, in addition to the song itself, is mainly because the word "Happy Planet" has a deeper meaning for them. In 2004, the pediatric fantasy "Happy Planet" was very popular on TV. Because the plot is appropriate to life and the young actors have excellent acting skills, the play has become a bright and beautiful color in the childhood of countless post-90s generation. Everyone is also very fond of the young actors in the play. Zhang Zhaoyi played Ice Lemon and was the youngest actor at that time. Like many child stars, she later participated in a lot of film and television works. However, the entertainment industry is chaotic and complex. After witnessing some unscrupulous behavior, Zhang Zhaoyi resolutely decided to quit the entertainment industry. Now in her twenties, she starts a business and works like ordinary people, and she also meets her own love, and she is happy and full every day. Not long ago, she announced the good news of her marriage and pregnancy and giving birth to a daughter on Weibo. After seeing the news, many netizens were surprised. On the one hand, it is because that little girl has changed so much now, giving people a feeling that seems like a lifetime ago. On the other hand, she was surprised that she had the courage to be a mother at a young age. It's not easy for a woman to make the decision to get pregnant. After all, the saying that "a woman gives birth to a child is to step into the devil's door with half her foot" has been handed down since ancient times. However, even though there are many documentaries and films promoting the difficulty of pregnant women, public opinion is calling on husbands to be more considerate of pregnant women, and many people still have misunderstandings about pregnant women and pregnancy. They all think that only during the period of childbirth can women really experience pain. I have no idea that women have been going through disasters since the moment of pregnancy. Let's start with the early stages of pregnancy (from the first week of pregnancy to the end of the thirteenth week). I have interviewed pregnant women around me, and most of them agree with this view, that is: Early pregnancy is their first nightmare. During this period, they not only changed their identity from female to expectant mother, but also experienced unprecedented physical abnormalities. The first is pregnancy and vomiting, which can occur at any time. They will completely lose their appetite and feel sick when they look at their favorite foods. Sometimes they just smell a smell, and pregnant women will vomit uncontrollably. In addition to uncontrollable pregnancy sickness, their emotions are also often out of control. One second I was laughing at watching a funny video, and the next I burst into tears. Not to mention the shocked husbands on the sidelines, even they don't know why they are like this, and some even wonder if they are ill. In fact, this is all because pregnancy leads to the rapid secretion of estrogen in their bodies. In addition, easy fatigue, sleepiness, constipation, breast pain are also symptoms that will appear in the early stage of pregnancy. A pregnant woman in the first trimester, like a prisoner, goes through all kinds of torture every day. This condition will only gradually improve after entering the second trimester (between 14 weeks of pregnancy and the end of 27). During this period, the fetus in the womb has entered a relatively safe stage, and there will be fewer bad situations. However, due to the growing belly, pregnant women become inconvenient to move, and they are prone to indigestion and hypoglycemia, which should not be taken lightly. In the third trimester (from 28 weeks of pregnancy to the end of delivery), it is very different from the previous situation. With a belly suddenly blown up like a balloon, pregnant women began to experience varying degrees of pain in various parts of their bodies, including back pain, low back pain, pubic pain, and leg root pain. Plus irregular contractions. It is no exaggeration to say that no pregnant woman's body is really intact from the inside out. At this time, the physiology of pregnant women is often out of control, so that they lose their dignity. Because it is very difficult, mothers-to-be who are already swollen during this period will also become very grumpy. They very much hope that the birth will come soon and put an end to this ordeal as soon as possible. But in fact, the really dark days are yet to come. I have introduced the pain of pregnant women in childbirth many times before. The change of the palace mouth from the width of a finger to the size of a small watermelon can turn every pregnant woman lying on the surgical bed into a wailing beast. Because it hurts so much, can you imagine yourself breaking 20 bones at the same time? childbirth is even worse. And this process usually lasts for several hours, even though medicine is very advanced today, the life-threatening situation of pregnant women during childbirth still happens from time to time. This is why mothers tend to regard their children as their whole life after giving birth. Every mother and child is a real friend of life and death. Some people might say that the moment the baby is born means the end of everything. But in fact, the success of childbirth is only a phased victory. Pregnant women who are upgraded to mothers still have pain that they can't get rid of after giving birth. Their bodies are like broken and re-mended dolls, with all kinds of sequelae. Such as chapped nipple, postpartum hemorrhoids, visceral ptosis, uterine exfoliation, pubic separation, stretch marks. Among them, the pain of rising milk is comparable to a torture, and the breasts become like two big stones, hard and swollen, and hurt like a cone. In addition to physical torture, mothers' mental health is also in urgent need of attention. Newborn mothers are prone to depression because of endocrine changes, pregnancy experiences and family attitudes. Serious, and even lead to postpartum depression. From the beginning of pregnancy to the full recovery after delivery. During the period of more than a year, pregnant women had few really comfortable days, and most of the timeSilently endure physical and psychological discomfort. That's why I want to introduce this process to you in detail. I know that people's joys and sorrows do not hurt each other. Only those who have experienced the physical and mental pain of a person can really experience it. Men who do not have the function of giving birth will never be able to do so. So I hope they can at least really understand the process of pregnancy, know what kind of pain the pregnant woman will go through, don't stand idly by when the pregnant woman is in pain, let alone feel that the wife who is out of control is being unreasonable. To be tolerant and do everything you can is the best help to the pregnant wife, and it is also a responsibility that the husband must bear. You know, the girl who shed blood and tears went through all this because of you, and you are the father of the child! Oh, retweet it on moments. It is hoped that every woman can have a good knowledge of pregnancy before preparing for pregnancy in case of a rainy day. I also hope that this article can awaken more men and make them really understand how difficult it is for pregnant women.

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